SGC Meeting - October

The School Governance Council met on Oct. 12, 2021. 

  • The Council reviewed our two focus areas, the “Big Rocks” and Northview United. Mr. Downey informed the Council of our efforts as a school to help students and staff get back into school mode. 

    • Building relationships and establishing routines has been the focus of the first 9 weeks, and we will continue to work on these big “rocks”. 

    • Mr. Downey updated the Council on the construction project that has started on campus, and its impact   on some parking areas and the flow of traffic. 

    • The construction will include larger art rooms with an outdoor area, a new black box theatre and additional classroom space near the tennis courts. The project is expected to continue through November 2022. 

  • Mr. Downey also informed the Council of the ongoing discussion with the leadership teams about Spring finals and a possible date of May 23rd for the 2022 graduation ceremony at the Ameris Bank. 

  • Ms. Benning is accepting proposals from teachers and students for spending Charter funds until October 29.

    • At the November meeting, the SGC will review all proposals and evaluate them based on a rubric to ensure that the funds are spent in a way that aligns with the school’s strategic plan. Once the requests are approved, teachers will receive further instructions on when they will be able to spend the money. 

    • Ms. Benning explained that the Council does its best to accommodate all requests.  

  • The Council will continue to brainstorm ideas on how to improve communication of news from the SGC to its stakeholders.  Members of the Council will come up with ideas on how we can work towards achieving this goal.  

The next meeting will be in November 2021.


SGC Meeting - January


SGC Meeting - September