Bringing God back to Culture

Caleb Smith, Staff Writer

   Christianity. Buddhism. Judaism. These are just a few of many more religions across the world. All these religions have one thing in common: faith. In almost every religion they show faith by gathering as a group and practicing rituals, singing worship songs, or reading their holy book. As time goes on, teenagers and people of all ages and their religions are falling short of what is expected from them. Teenagers began to feed off each other and live their lives to the “fullest”. As a result of this, people are caught in serious situations where they wished things were different. As the years go by, more and more kids begin to lose track of their faith. People have started to disregard their faith and pay attention to the things of the world. It is time for the kids of this generation to reach back into their roots and grab what was once a part of them.

   Every religious group has a way of showing their faith. Jewish people show faith by going to Synagogue, Hebrew school, and eventually, confirmation class to learn more about Judaism. In recent years, fewer and fewer families have been instilling religious beliefs in their children due to society. This causes fewer people to grow up without beliefs and is why we have such a distracted society. Many teenagers take advantage of not having a belief system and use it to do whatever they want. People of this generation change along with the things of the world. At this rate, most teenagers will grow up not believing in any religion and will not teach their children either. With religion, there is a lot of structure to where if you follow what is told your life will not be perfect, but in good will.

   In religions all across the world, the population has grown exponentially within them. According to Pew-Templeton, Global Religious Futures project, Christianity has 2.2 billion followers as of 2010 and is expected to have 2.9 billion by 2050. Although the population is growing, people aren’t truly living by their religion. Social media is a giant blockade against people’s faith. This causes people to focus more on the number of likes they can receive when they share a post. Studies have shown that when you get one like it feels as if you won the lottery. This brings people to focus more on the content they post to receive more likes. 

   Life was made for us to have a purpose, for each person on this Earth to fulfill a certain plan that you believe was made for you. All religions are different in multiple ways, but each religion has a plan for you to chase and accomplish. There should be no more distraction. It is bound to pull everyone away from their beliefs and chase something that was created by man. Society is trying to pull everyone in reach one by one. Times are changing every second and sooner than later we will fall astray. There is more power within us then society makes us out to be. 

Caleb Smith

Caleb is an outgoing junior who plans to voice his perception of this world through his writing. He goes into deep topics that will really get you thinking. He loves music and making christian videos on his Instagram. He is going into his second year of Journalism and can't wait to see what's in store for this "new" year.


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