Artificial Intelligence

Exploring the impacts of Artificial Intelligence and how it impacts education and the economy

Graphic by Liana Sabnani, Staff Writer

Liana Sabnani, Staff Writer

The whispered murmur from the girl behind me during the U.S. History exam to my dad sermonizing at the dinner table about his belief that a robot will take his job in three years, since the creation of AI (artificial intelligence), I can’t remember a day that has passed without it being brought up in conversation. While I oppose the use of AI for cheating on tests and quizzes, I support its inquiry for assignments, projects, and general use. I expect this type of technology to be a part of our lives for at least the next few decades, if not longer, and it is anticipated to get even smarter. Therefore, why would it not be acceptable to help with schoolwork?

This presents a further concern of “how much is too much?” Though the majority aren't, I am aware that utilizing AI on exams provides people with a false advantage and fails to recognize their true capabilities. I've become aware, not only through discussions with my father but also through an article in USA Today, that roughly a quarter of workers fear AI will replace them. For those who consider this a far-fetched concept, it is reported that corporations have already replaced over ten percent of workers. As an aspiring journalist, I'm not too concerned that my eventual profession choice will be as affected as other fields of work, but the idea is quite eerie. In a world where technology is advancing faster than my ability to fold a fitted sheet, who knows, maybe I could be interviewing robots for my next article.

Teachers express concern about the potential weakening of the connection between students and teachers as one of their primary worries. Many maintain the idea that human interaction plays an essential role in education and that AI cannot replace the emotional intelligence and insight that humans bring to the learning environment. There are many respectable points to this argument, however, I believe that establishing a shared understanding between these perspectives will be crucial in creating a productive learning experience. 

Digital footprint is also something that has begun to step into the AI world. Due to the increasing reliance on artificial intelligence, organizations are processing and storing immense amounts of sensitive data. On the other hand, AI is absolutely electrifying the automobile industry. Self-driving cars are like the overachievers of the AI world. In addition to being able to navigate the roads, they most likely know where to get a decent cup of coffee. AI has also been vital in the development of hybrid and electric cars, aiding manufacturers in optimizing their designs for ultimate efficiency and peak performance. You can thank them for helping you save money on those high gas prices. All things considered, AI plays a major role in self-driving cars by allowing them to sense, understand, and navigate the world around them as well as make judgments and adapt to changing circumstances instantaneously. This is extremely important since it seems that the automobile industry has a bright future ahead of it and artificial intelligence is certain to be key to that success.

Artificial intelligence will also significantly influence the future of healthcare and the global economy. According to the National Library of Medicine, more and more technology companies are looking to collaborate with healthcare institutions to promote AI-driven medical innovation made possible by various technological advances. The purpose of developing AI systems for healthcare should be to enhance rather than replace the critical aspects of interactions between humans and machines in medicine. From a governmental standpoint, the US Department of State declares that it will fund research and development as well as promote the larger AI digital environment, which I,  too, support.

Upon concluding my journey into the world of artificial intelligence, I find myself in awe of its many twists and turns, much like a self-driving car navigating through the notorious road: McGinnis Ferry. I'm excited to see what effects artificial intelligence will have in the future–ideally positive ones.


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