Time Capsule: Suraj Singareddy

Four seniors share their current goals and aspirations. In May, we will revisit the same students to see if those have changed. This is the story of Suraj Singareddy.
Senior Suraj Singareddy is a both a talented actor and a leader in the theatre department.Photo courtesy of Suraj Singareddy

Senior Suraj Singareddy is a both a talented actor and a leader in the theatre department.

Photo courtesy of Suraj Singareddy

Manasa Premanand, Features Editor

Suraj Singareddy strives towards making Northview a community inclusive towards all. Whether that be through his leadership and participation in extracurriculars, or his desire to understand others, Singareddy works steadfastly towards achieving this goal. 

Singareddy is a senior at Northview and is the vice president of Thespian Society, a member of the improv club, and president of the Gender-Sexuality Alliance (GSA). He enjoys taking literature, history, and drama classes and has a keen appreciation for the arts. Throughout his four years at Northview, he was extremely involved with the theatre departments and starred in many productions such as Theatre Sports, Ruthless, and Dessert Theatre. Additionally, he also helped to assistant direct Puffs, one of Northview’s most recent productions. 

Singareddy was involved in the theatre department since freshman year, joining the improv club and taking drama class in his first year of high school. In his sophomore year, he took the advanced drama class and joined the Thespian Society, which he was later elected as vice president of that year. 

“Basically, I put on monthly gatherings- it’s been a little different since we’re in quarantine- but we’ve done virtual game nights and a lot of other fun stuff. Something that we’ve started doing since we’ve gone virtual is creating short birthday videos for everyone,” Singareddy said. “It’s just been really rewarding to see everyone’s reaction to that on their birthday because that’s one way that we still get to see each other and make sure our birthdays are really great, even when we’re in quarantine.”

The school theatre community has remained a substantial part of Singareddy’s life here at Northview.Photo courtesy of Suraj Singareddy

The school theatre community has remained a substantial part of Singareddy’s life here at Northview.

Photo courtesy of Suraj Singareddy

Singareddy’s involvement in GSA began in his sophomore year, and he later became vice president junior year, and president this year. GSA is a club that works towards making an inclusive space for the queer community at Northview, a goal that Singareddy plans on accomplishing this year. Although Singareddy was not pleased with the amount of involvement the club had for the past two years, he believes that with the support of his leadership team, he and the club can begin to host more events and become more involved in the community. 

“I  think we’ve gotten off to a really great start [this year] and I’m really lucky to have a really great team working with me in GSA leadership. So far, we’ve created an online pride month event celebration, a volunteering opportunity that was really great, and then we had movie night and collaboration with Black History Club in late July. Hopefully, have an upcoming fundraiser as well as welcoming a bunch of new members to our club.” Singareddy said. 

Throughout his journey at Northview, Singareddy has found immense comfort in the community he and his fellow thespians have created. Most, if not all, of his most memorable experiences at Northview involve theatre or spending time with other thespians. Singareddy recalls cast dinners after productions as being some of his favorite memories while part of the theatre department. 

“The cast dinners afterwards were one of my first times feeling like I was part of a community at Northview, so I think that my first cast dinner after a theater sports was one of my most memorable experiences,” Singareddy said. “Most of the time it's just hanging out with people either during rehearsal or during shows or after shows have been most of my memorable experiences.”

The thespian community is another community that Singareddy wants to make more inclusive for all at Northview. As someone who has experienced firsthand the positive impacts that arise from the community the theatre department provides for its members, Singareddy desires for all new students to feel that same sense of kinship as well. 

As far as for what the future holds, Singareddy is unsure of what path he will pursue in life and plans on learning more about himself before making any decisions about his future. However, as his legacy, he would like for GSA and Thespian Society to continue to nurture an all-embracing environment in which every individual, regardless of their race, gender, sexuality, etc. can feel welcome. Even after his graduation, Singareddy has confidence that the GSA leadership team will be able to fulfill his wishes of preserving the club as an important space for the LGBTQA+ community at Northview to feel included. 

Although the future is undecided, Singareddy has already left a lasting impact at Northview High School.Photo courtesy of Suraj Singareddy

Although the future is undecided, Singareddy has already left a lasting impact at Northview High School.

Photo courtesy of Suraj Singareddy

Manasa Premanand

Manasa is a sophomore who enjoys reading, binge-watching her favorite TV shows, and spending time with her dog. She has been on the Messenger staff since her freshman year and loves the way the newsmagazine covers all aspects of Northview and the community surrounding it.


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