FCBOE meets about future plans

At 6:00 p.m. on Nov. 19, the Fulton County Board of Education wil meet to discuss universal remote learning. Stay tuned for updates!
  • The meeting began with a moment of silence for Principal Jamar Robinson and his wife.

  • The FCS Board of Education, having already approved the agenda, opened up to public comment, which is not aired. The meeting will resume shortly.

  • Each board member shared a few words in remembrance of the late Principal Jamar Robinson and held each district’s respective Proud Points until the December meeting.

  • Supt. Dr. Mike Looney calls on Chief Academic Officer Cliff Jones to go over graduation and AP score data from the 2019-2020 year.

Advanced Placement and Graduation Rate data

Graphics courtesy of Fulton County Schools

  • Jones speaks on how COVID-19 has affected graduation rates in 2020.

  • Cobb County’s cohort rate rose above Fulton County for the first time since 2013. Fulton County is still above Gwinnett and Atlanta.

  • Banneker High School Principal Jason Stamper spoke about Banneker’s 37% gain in students enrolled in AP courses since 2018.

    • “Our goal was to build a viable AP program. We want to expose what we call at Banneker high school ‘AP Culture.’ Students then have the potential to be successful in AP courses,” Stamper said.

  • Chattahoochee High School Principal Principal Michael Todd spoke about Chattahoochee’s highest average AP score in the district, 3.83.

    • “Our students access to AP is life changing for them. We consistently lead with scores because our teachers engage in professional development,” Todd said.

  • Supt. Looney speaks of how Fulton County is struggling to contain COVID-19, noting that the community is at a high level of spread.

  • A few campuses have been closed down according to the Closing Matrix due to cases being recorded.

Graphics courtesy of Fulton County Schools

  • Schools will automatically close after consultation with the Fulton County Board of Health and other consultations at Level 3.

  • No exact number determines closing. It depends on situation.

  • A hybrid model of both virtual and face-to-face school will continue post-Thanksgiving break.

  • Specific schools may close depending on the situation.

  • The vast majority of individuals who are being quarantined due to contact tracing do not end up contracting COVID-19.

  • The Fulton County Board of Health is standing up two additional testing sites at North Learning Center and South Learning Center for free. The majority of test results will be redelivered within 48 hours. COVID-19 tests must be scheduled in advance. Please refer to the graphics above for more information.

  • Supt. Looney recommends for four groups of individuals to get tested before returning to school: out of state/country, participation in large gatherings, suspects they have been exposed to someone positive, or anyone who has flu-like/COVID-19 symptoms

  • Monday, November 30 and Tuesday, December 1 to be Universal Remote Learning Days District Wide (including teachers)

  • Board Member Linda McCain asked for quarantine report data. Supt. Looney said they will ask the FCBOH for that data.

  • FCBOH will make direct contact with the person tested positive and work with them to ensue contact tracing.

  • Looney emphasized that they consider cases in schools and not the levels of community spread. The school district is not making the quarantining recommendations, but rather the Fulton County Board of Health.

  • The board encourages every one who meets the above four criteria to get tested.

  • Chief Academic Officer Cliff Jones speaks about second semester plans, asking parents to fill out a second semester commitment plans a little like the first one.

  • If a family does not fill out the survey, they will default to the learning plan they have chosen on Dec. 14. The choice families make between Nov. 19 and Dec. 11 will stay intact for nine weeks.

  • There is a possibility that students will not have the same teachers next semester.

  • More info will be shared through school to parents and be available on website.

  • Board members approve a change in the 2020-21 school year calendar for Jan. 5 to be a teacher workday as schools need to be used for polling locations for the runoff elections.


Dec. FCBOE Meeting


The reopening matrix