Quarantine flicks to pass the time

Daniel Martinez, Staff Writer

Design by Meghana Ramineni, Features Editor

Design by Meghana Ramineni, Features Editor

“Frozen II (2019)”

Genre: Family/Comedy

The appeal of Frozen’s sequel, which is largely more of the same, does not need much explaining: Elsa sings a memorable song, the snowman makes us laugh, and the rest of the characters’ relationship drama induces frequent eye rolls. This time around, the plot is admittedly more mature and thus enjoyable, though the film’s music is perhaps not of the same caliber. Still, “Frozen II” is a family film worth seeing, if not to please the masses than to keep everyone in the household mildly entertained for an hour and a half.

Available on Disney+

“Scott Pilgrim VS The World” (2010)

Genre: Action/Comedy

“Scott Pilgrim VS The World” is, in my concrete opinion, the most underrated movie in Netflix’s catalog. The film is best characterized by its surrealist visuals, vibrant flashes of color and a video game aesthetic that transforms a normal slice-of-life story into a hilarious action-comedy. Scott Pilgrim, played by the charmingly hilarious Michael Cera, determined to win over the girl of his dreams quickly begins to encounter each of her angry ex-lovers. The movie is entirely unrealistic and wacky in only the best way, a perfect counterbalance to the dreary mood many of us are battling.

Available on Netflix

“The Platform” (2020)

Genre: Sci-fi/Horror

“The Platform” is a Spanish-language piece of science-fiction horror best experienced with as little information as possible. A shocking, yet resoundingly beautiful movie, “The Platform” is the perfect indulgence for viewers looking for some darkness in their entertainment. The film is making waves on Netflix right now, a haunting allegory for class disparity that resonates in a time where those socioeconomic divisions are more defined than ever. 

Available on Netflix

“The Invisible Man” (2020)

Genre: Suspense/Thriller

“The Invisible Man” is a more recent digital release, arriving straight from theaters following the closing of all theater chains. While some might deem it masterful horror, director Leigh Whannel’s modern approach to this literary classic rings more as a suspense thriller, as a sociopathic domestic abuser torments the main character in increasingly twisted ways.

Available for rent

“Onward” (2020)

Genre: Fantasy/Comedy

Pixar’s latest, “Onward” is a feature that quickly shifted from theaters to streaming following recent theater closures. While perhaps not among Pixar’s all-time best, Onward’s delightful tale of two brothers, voiced by Chris Pratt and Tom Holland, presents a magical escape from the real world, as the pair traverse a fantastical world that is equal parts heart and humor.

Available on Disney+

“Hereditary” (2018)

Genre: Horror/Suspense

Frequently labeled the scariest movie of the last few years, “Hereditary” transforms family drama into pure, psychological terror. The result is a shocking horror-thriller that somehow rings relatable, particularly if forced family interaction is driving you mad during quarantine. This film is not for the faint of heart, but it is for those that appreciate a masterfully told story, even if it is pure horror.

Available on Amazon Prime Video

“Knives Out” (2019)

Genre: Mystery/Comedy

“Knives Out” is a murder mystery that captivated theater audiences last year, then proceeded to win the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. A witty, expertly told murder mystery that will keep you guessing, “Knives Out” is an instant classic, sporting a stellar cast and a story with countless twists and turns.

Available for rent

“Green Room” (2015)

Genre: Thriller/Horror

“Green Room” is no light thriller; what starts as a frightening concert for neo-Nazis devolves into a violent war between band members and the gang of white power skinheads. Given that the band is trapped inside a single venue for the majority of the film, “Green Room” is terrifyingly claustrophobic, though less in a stay-at-home kind of way and more in a life-ending kind of way.

Available on Netflix

“Marriage Story” (2019)

Genre: Drama

“Marriage Story” is a showcase of incredible performances and screenwriting; a favorite at the Oscars, this drama presents a heart-wrenching story of a loving marriage as it gradually and tragically collapses upon itself. While certainly a tear-fest, “Marriage Story” is a spectacle of acting that deserves to be watched.

Available on Netflix

“The Report” (2019)

Genre: Drama/Thriller

An Amazon original, “The Report” is a political drama that pits the FBI and CIA at odds, as an FBI agent (played by Adam Driver) struggles to expose an inhumane government cover-up. The resulting conflict is more than captivating, and Driver’s lead makes a typical political drama surprisingly memorable.

Available on Amazon Prime Video

“Midsommar” (2019)

Genre: Horror/Drama

Hailing from the same director as “Hereditary”, “Midsommar” is another terrifying option on Amazon’s streaming service. While certainly a must-see for horror lovers, it is worth mentioning that “Midsommar” is more of a slow, psychological burn-- in other words, perfectly suited for the unusual abundance of time we’ve all been afforded right now.

Available on Amazon Prime Video

Daniel Martinez

Daniel is a senior who loves film, television, and staying up to date with whatever is happening in the world. He loves sharing his opinions, but is also happy to hear from many other ones.


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