For the Class of 2020

Jennifer Xia, Editor-in-Chief

Junior class council makes an Instagram account(@northviewco2020) to recognize the Class of 2020.Photo by Jennifer Xia, Editor-in-Chief

Junior class council makes an Instagram account(@northviewco2020) to recognize the Class of 2020.

Photo by Jennifer Xia, Editor-in-Chief

In light of recent events, the Class of 2020 is no longer able to celebrate its final moments of high school. With prominent events like senior field trips and prom cancelled and a question mark on graduation, Northview seniors have lost so much from the end of their high school experiences. 

Looking on the brighter side, Northview’s junior class council put together a project to celebrate the seniors’ accomplishments. Saddened by the fact that the seniors would not experience a normal end to their senior season, the junior class council felt the need to honor the Class of 2020. An Instagram account(@northviewco2020) was created to highlight every seniors’ projected futures, announcing their university, major, and favorite ice cream flavor to add a twist of fun to it. 

Junior class council president Janice Nam first presented the idea after discovering another North Georgia high school had done the same. After running it by senior class council president, Ann Philip, Nam went ahead and started the account.

“She gave me a green light to make it my own project, so I just did it,” Nam said.

Already garnering over 380 followers, the account has gained a reputable audience. Since its start on April 9, over 60 posts featuring Northview’s Class of 2020 have been posted. Nam and junior class council vice president Hilary Chen run the account, receiving dozens of direct messages daily. The juniors hope that seniors will find some joy in their small project despite the situation.

“They deserve so much better, and this is the least we can do for them,” Nam said.

Jennifer Xia

Former Gerber baby and current tater tot fanatic by night, and an amateur photographer and video editor by day (Jennifer filmed & edited the video above!). She has a huge passion for writing and newsgathering, so it really means so much to her that she is able to share it with others. The Messenger has allowed her to encounter new experiences and share the voices of those around her. She values accurate and thorough reporting along with creative design work to cohesively spread information.


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