Downey Responds

Manasa Premanand, Staff Writer

The following is information from a March Press Conference with Principal Brian Downey

  • When school was closed on March 10 and 11, conversation was held on what to do if there was long term school closure.

  • Though the staff did not have much time to transition to virtual learning, they utilized March 13, a teacher workday, to have departments and content teams collaborate with one another to formulate learning plans and familiarize themselves with online learning platforms.

  • As a district, we faced challenges regarding distribution of devices to students who had not yet received them. As a school, we struggled with having a good handle on finding out which students were engaged in learning and which were not. 

  • There is a possibility of Northview permanently shifting to having a standardized setting where teachers and students can interact in a live manner that everyone is familiarized with, though this will not be the main form of learning. 

  • The district wrote a protocol to assist students who are unable to learn virtually by allowing them to pick up written schoolwork at designated sites.

  • All activities are postponed until further notice, whether it be sports or academics. Once we receive a date for when school will reopen, plans will be communicated for how to get back on schedule. 

  • There is a possibility of school being closed for the entirety of the school year, however, as of now, nothing is definite. 

  • It is uncertain whether final exams will take place in the event that virtual learning is still in use during May.

  • Teachers are unsure about whether they will be delivering assessments and on what platforms they will be having them on.

  • Northview has yet to tackle issues regarding graduation. However, Principal Downey is open to suggestions on different ways in which the senior class can have their graduation in the event that school is closed during that time. 

  • If or when school is to reopen, students will likely be given notice a week beforehand.

Manasa Premanand

Manasa is a sophomore who enjoys reading, binge-watching her favorite TV shows, and spending time with her dog. She has been on the Messenger staff since her freshman year and loves the way the newsmagazine covers all aspects of Northview and the community surrounding it.


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