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FCBOE Board Meeting - April

The Fulton County Board of Education met for their monthly board meeting at 6 p.m. on April 20, 2023.
  • Board President and District 6 Board Member Kimberly Dove calls the meeting to order. 

  • Chief Academic Officer Cliff Jones announces the recognitions. Chattahoochee High School’s Quiz Bowl program won the state championships. Students from Webb Bridge Middle School won first place in the Georgia Student Technology State Competition. 

  • Item 5.06 is removed from the Agenda. 

  • District 5 Board Member Kristin McCabe gives a shoutout to the Johns Creek High Schools FBLA chapter which had the most victorious across all competitive events. She also congratulates Barnwell Elementary School students who won the Young Georgia's Authors program. McCabe congratulates both the professional of the year and the teacher of the year. 

  • District 2 Board Member Lillie Pozatek shouts out students from Innovation Academy who were invited to a signing of a bill into law on human trafficking. 

  • Superintendent Dr. Mike Looney talks about how the new strategic plan will reflect the new mission and goals of Fulton County. 

  • Fulton County has submitted the Annual Performance Report to the state. Funds that Fulton County used for social, emotional, mental, and other reasons are included in the report. Where Fulton County is planning to use unused funds is also included in the report. Fulton County is planning to help schools and departments with funds for the summer and next year. 

  • College Park Elementary, the only Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) school in Fulton County, has undergone an assessment to see how the progress has gone. This information will help to develop the plan for next year and also staff plans. The number of suspensions has decreased by a significant amount. The school’s scores have grown on standardized tests. The school will focus on the three big rock plan to make sure they achieve their growth goals.

  • Looney addresses the high school students by encouraging them to stay focused and keep in mind the goal of walking across the stage at graduation. Looney congratulates Autrey Mill Middle School special education teacher Elise Kreitner. Barbara Rettker was also congratulated for winning school professional of the year. Harriet Perry was also congratulated for winning support professional of the year. 

  • Chief Operations Officer Noel Maloof reads the first motion statement. The motion is passed. 

  • Looney reads the second motion statement. The motion is passed. 

  • Looney reads the motions for the consent agenda items. The motion is passed. 

  • Chief Financial Officer Marvin Dereef reads the motion statement. Item 8-5’s funding source has been adjusted. The motion is passed. 

  • Dereef reads item 6.02. The motion is passed. 

  • Dereef reads item 6.03. The budget adjustments are passed. 

  • Items 7.01 through 7.08 are read.

  • The meeting is adjourned.