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SGC Meeting- October

The School Governance Council met on Oct. 11, 2022

  • The School Governance Council met on October 11th, 2022. Mr. Neuhaus shared our SAT scores and graduation rate. Northview is #1 in Fulton County and #2 in Georgia (SAT). Northview is one of four schools with a graduation rate over 97%.

  • Also mentioned was the Will to Live presentation for Northview students on October 26th by Mr. John Trautwein.

  • Campus safety continues to be a top priority this year, and Mr. Neuhaus will seek an additional CSA (Campus Security Associate) for Northview. Front doors will remain open each morning for club meetings and student appointments, but all other doors will remain locked until 7:45 a.m. Students must have a reason to be in the building prior to this time. As part of the ongoing safety initiative, the district will install FLOCK cameras at all high schools by 31 December. At Northview, many of the doors are equipped with alarms.

  • The SGC additionally discussed the allocation of Charter Dollar funds for additional security cameras, the Pathway to Life program, and mini-grants for teachers.

  • The links to each month's SGC agenda, live session, and approved minutes are available on the school website at