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Upcoming school year FAQs

Information regarding the 2020-21 school year will be updated regularly. *PLEASE NOTE: Information is subject to change. If any changes occur, this page will change accordingly.

Graphic by Melissa Liu, Managing Print and Design Editor

If you have any questions regarding the upcoming school year, please fill out this form. If your question does not have a definite answer, they will not appear here until they do. All questions asked about similar topics will be combined.

IMPORTANT: Students, please begin to check your Outlook email ( more as that will be a main source of communication.

A second Microsoft Sway was released Aug. 10, 2020 with new information regarding the new school year. Click here to view.

What will Remote Learning look like for the 2020-21 school year?

Remote learning will not be on GAVS/FVS, nor will it be the format of the Spring semester. A new style of learning will be initiated where live interaction with Northview teachers will occur. 

  • Instruction Synchronous instruction (meaning live and in real time) will be delivered daily by teachers in Microsoft Teams, through consistent schedules to students and parents. This means that students will be expected to join their class at the beginning of each period according to the schedule. Synchronous instruction will be recorded and available for students to reference after class. Teachers will also engage students in asynchronous instruction (pre-recorded lessons, individual or group work). Weekly objectives, activities, and due dates will be shared with parents and students as well.

  • Attendance will be taken during live synchronous sessions. Students are considered in attendance by participating in the live synchronous session. Students will need to send excuses to their teacher via email for any absences. Teachers will note absences within Infinite Campus, and students are responsible for making up work missed. Teachers will engage in consistent communication regarding absences. Parent contact will occur from either social worker, counselor, and/or administrator with three or more absences. Grading Students will receive grades based on graded summative assignments and assessments, and will demonstrate a student's mastery of the learning target(s). Students will be allowed to redo, resubmit, and or retake assignments up to three attempts.

  • End of semester grading will reflect the following:

    • A – 90 and Above

    • B – 80-89

    • C – 70-79

    • F – 69 and below OR an Incomplete not resolved by the end of the school year or summer

    • I – Incomplete (Less than 80% of summative assignments were completed)

    • NG – No grade

  • At the end of a grading period, an “I” for incomplete will be entered on a student’s report card if a student does not complete 80% of the summative assignments/assessments. Students will have the remainder of the school year to complete the missing/unsatisfactory work and remove the “I” from their report card. Students that receive an “I” at the end of Fall semester will have the Spring and Summer sessions to complete their work and remove their “I”. If a student does not resolve the Incomplete by the end of the school year, their incomplete will be updated with a non-passing grade.

  • 7th Period - Flex/Student Success Skills

    • This year, students will have a 7th period noted on their schedule. This period will be supported by the 6th period teacher during remote learning. Students will receive advisement, remediation, enrichment, and/or Student Success Skills during this time. Student Success Skills is a district wide program to support students in their social and emotional development and growth.

  • Teacher Office Hours

    • Teachers will have office hours during virtual learning. Wednesdays and Fridays have been designated as the days teachers will offer office hours, from 3:00 - 3:45 p.m.

  • Textbook Information

    • Students will receive information to access textbooks online from their teachers. If needed, students can receive textbooks upon request.

  • Student Devices

    • All students will be issued a district owned device to use during universal remote learning. The remote learning hotline will be accessible at 470-254-2300. Limited hotspots will be provided per student need. For students with devices, please conduct a check on your device prior to the 1st day (locate, charge, turn on). Further information will be shared at a later time about student devices.

Here is a look at a Microsoft Sway released to parents on July 31, 2020:

For a full PDF, click this button:

Do I need to register for Remote Learning? If I registered for Individual Remote Learning earlier, will I have to register again?

No. If you signed up for Individual Remote Learning, Fulton County will automatically put you back into your original school system. Individual Remote Learning options will be replaced, and families no longer need to enroll by the previously stated deadline of July 22nd. Instead, all students will remain enrolled in their currently assigned school under Universal Remote Learning.

Will all classes be available?

All classes (Honors, AP, and electives, WBL, etc.) will be available through remote learning. More information on how these classes will work specifically is to come.

Do we still have to do summer work?

Yes, you’re still responsible for your summer work.

Will clubs be available?

Yes, they will happen remotely. More information on club specifics will come later. Make sure to keep checking back. High School Athletic Clubs (fencing, rugby,water polo, equestrian, any non GHSA club teams) will be delayed until we return to full face to face instruction. New club applications will not be available until students return to face-to-face learning. Information for current clubs will come soon. If you don’t already, follow us on Instagram @nhsmessenger for website/FAQ updates.

What will sports look like at Northview?

Fulton County is taking it slow with sports, but all fall sports will happen. As per GHSA, football season has been pushed back two weeks. There are no details on how spectators will work yet.

Will there be a day for students to drop off overdue textbooks, pick up devices, etc.?

Planning for these days has already begun. Communication regarding specific dates will begin in the upcoming weeks.

How will assessments work? Will there be other measures to ensure students’ integrity?

We will avoid traditional multiple choice tests and move towards short answer and essay writing. The expectations is that each student will be honest and submit his/her own work. Cheating, plagiarism, and other Honor Code violations are strictly prohibited. Examples of this rule include are not limited to: copying or "borrowing" from another source and submitting it as one's own work, seeking or accepting unauthorized assistance on tests, projects or other assignments, fabricating data or resources, providing or receiving test questions in advance without permission, and working collaboratively with other students when individual work is expected. Violations received will follow the Northview discipline process for offenses.

Am I allowed to travel while still completing school assignments?

As per school guidelines, if you are out of the district for 10 days or more, technically, you are subject to be withdrawn from school. Attendance will be taken during Remote Learning.

Will we still have homeroom?


What will labs for science classes look like?

Labs will either move online or be teacher focused.

Will we still use Google Classroom?

No, there will be a switch from Google to Microsoft. Please begin saving anything from your Google Drive that you might want to keep.

Will there be another coffee chat soon for rising seniors applying to college? How can I get a rec letter from my counselor/teacher?

There will be a senior advisement session in early September. Seniors, please make sure you have logged into your Naviance accounts.

How can students request schedule changes?

Schedules will be available in Infinite Campus on Friday, August 7. Our schedule change process will be online this semester. Per County policy, students can request schedule changes during the first 10 days of the semester. Although we are making schedule change request forms available prior to the start of the semester, please keep in mind that schedule changes may not be updated by the first day of school.

How can I speak with my counselor?

In the past, the NHS Counseling team has offered in-person open office hours prior to the start of school. This year, we will offer these office hours virtually. Appointments will be available in 15-minute time slots on Monday, August 10 and Tuesday, August 11, 9 am-12 pm and 1:30-2:30 pm. Please use the links below to sign up for an appointment with your counselor. 

Click your counselor’s name to find sign up link(There has also been a slight change in Counselor Caseloads):