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End of Year Plans

Northview begins plans for the end of year process.

UPDATE: Principal Downey’s new email is pasted below. More specific information is available.


I hope all had a great weekend.  The highlight of my weekend was being able to attend the many neighborhood car parades that were honoring our seniors.  The word community was in my thoughts as family, friends, and neighbors came out to show their love and support for our graduates.  It was amazing to witness and humbling to play a small part in your community.  I hope this becomes a new tradition as we honor the graduating classes to come.

A few reminders about the rest of this week:


May 5th is our first pick up and drop off day.  See below for instructions.  Please remember to bring any textbooks and Chromebooks that you will no longer be using!


Seniors will pick theirs up on May 5th.  Grades 9-11 will pick theirs up on May 6th .  Your pick up location will be at the bus entrance. Jostens will email you directly with your assigned pick up time.

Medications: Seniors will pick up theirs on May 5th.  Grades 9-11 will pick up their medications left in the clinic on May 6th. Pick up location for this will be the main entrance at the school.  The clinic staff will contact you directly with details.

Uniforms: Spring coaches will start collecting uniforms on May 7th.  Coaches will contact their teams directly regarding  the specific time/location to drop off uniforms.

Seniors- Tuesday May 5    

  • In order to run a smooth an efficient curb side process, we must adhere to the attached time window for the seniors.  We do not have the capacity to have more cars on campus than what is reflected in the attached schedule.  We will be taking items out of your trunk and placing items into your trunk.  We will be organized by alphabet so if you show up outside of your assigned time window, it will cause unnecessary delays.

  • You must enter campus via Abbotts Bridge light entrance. Our traffic pattern on campus during this time will be in one direction only.  You will exit campus via Parsons Road.  The campus will be coned to only allow for this one way direction.

  • One senior student or parent per car.  In the front dashboard on the passenger side, please have a full piece of paper with the student name in bold, dark writing.  This will allow our team to get your yearbook and cap/gown quickly.

  • Once on campus:

    • STATION ONE-Bus Canopy- return Chromebook and textbooks; pick up diploma cover

      • Place any Chromebook or textbooks that you will not need in the trunk of your car.  Please be sure the trunk is clean.  You will be directed to pull up to a specific location and asked to open your trunk. Our staff will pick up any textbooks or Chromebooks that you are returning.  We recognize the need to keep some items for AP testing and there will be future return dates.

      • Another staff member will place your diploma cover into the trunk and close the trunk. You will then be directed to move to STATION TWO.

    • STATION TWO- Main entrance/flag pole- pick up yearbook and medications from clinic

      • For Seniors that have purchased a yearbook, Mr. Rawlin and Jostens will be located there and will place a yearbook in your trunk. Same process as above.  BE SURE YOUR NAME IS VISIBLE.

      • If you have medication stored in the clinic, you will be notified about details from our clinic staff, but be prepared to pick up your meds at this station.

    • STATION THREE- Gym entrance – pick up cap and gown

      • Again, be sure your name is visible in your passenger side dashboard.  You will be asked again to open your trunk and your cap and gown will be placed inside.

      • If our cap and gown is not ready for this day, we will schedule a different day.

      • After this station, you will drive down by the stadium and exit campus via Parsons Road.

This basic model and flow will be how we plan to collect and distribute all items for students moving forward.  As it is our first day, please be patient as we believe we are prepared to handle 50-60 cars during the 30 minute window.  In order for that to happen, we will need your cooperation! Please have only one student per car and have the name visible. Lastly, Please expect to be on campus in your car for 20 minutes to proceed through the 3 stations.”

Principal Brian Downey released in an email to parents today some plans for the end of the school year. Highlights of the email are as follows:

“We are moving towards finalizing our end of year plans, but are not ready to announce any details yet.  This is not an all-inclusive list, as we are still working on many plans. On a broad level, this is what we are planning:

5/4 week- distribute yearbooks and cap/gown to seniors.  Exact date and times TBD. Non seniors that have purchased a yearbook may be the same week.

5/11 week- distribute traditional graduation packet to seniors-honor cords, letters, graduation program, diploma cover and a few other items. Exact date and time TBD

5/18 week- seniors drop off chrome books, text books, uniforms, instruments, equipment or any other items.  We recognize that AP exams are still ongoing and will only collect items not needed.

5/23 Saturday- Since the AP exam schedule changed and our seniors will be involved in AP testing all day during the week of 5/18 through 5/22, we are tentatively planning to have our video graduation ceremony on Saturday, May 23rd.  Exact detail and time TBD.

Grades 9-11- all students will keep their chrome book over the summer unless you are not returning to Northview in August.  If health conditions allow, we will add the underclassman to the drop off plan during the week of 5/18.  If not, we will schedule times during the week of 5/26.

We are also planning on times for students to retrieve items from inside the building, but health conditions will dictate when we can schedule that.  All other planning involves curb side pick up and drop off.  I recognize that it may take three trips for seniors, but I have to minimize the staff working as well and the logistics of getting everything out and in on one trip would be overwhelming if we are to protect social distancing expectations.  We will push out details as soon as we can, most likely the week before each item.”

Any and all details will be updated here once it comes out.